Occupational therapy is mainly concerned with the recovery of motor, sensory and cognitive functions (such as perception, orientation, concentration, stamina, planning skills). Daily self-help, everyday and household training, as well as home and workplace assessments are carried out. The production, testing and precise adaptation and organization of aids are just as much a part of this as advising caregivers. Various treatment techniques are used.

Range of treatments and therapies
With an experienced team of renowned specialists, the Privat-Klinik Im Park offers patients comprehensive medical care for the rehabilitation of neurological and rheumatological-orthopaedic conditions.
Medical specialties
The Privat-Klinik Im Park is on the hospital list in the canton of Aargau with a service mandate for musculoskeletal rehabilitation and neurological rehabilitation.
The aim of orthopaedic / musculoskeletal rehabilitation is to achieve a speedy recovery and the best possible mobility. Our specialist physicians integrate the latest treatment concepts and empirical knowledge for the best possible healing success. An interdisciplinary team creates a therapy program tailored to the patient’s personal needs. The guidelines of the attending physician, who keeps a constant eye on the rehabilitation goal in consultation with the nursing and therapy departments, are decisive.
A wide range of rehabilitative measures are also available in the neurological field. Depending on the indication, occupational therapy, speech therapy and physiotherapy work together with you on an individual basis. The aim of all measures is the best possible return to your everyday life. We provide clarification and support for your personal suitability for everyday life. If necessary, your home environment will also be integrated (e.g. training for relatives, clarification of aids). We will also organize any follow-up therapies you may need.
Clinical psychology/neuropsychology
Clinical psychology or psychotherapy serves to improve mental well-being and quality of life. If necessary, patients are supported in their current life situation. Cognitive functions are examined in neuropsychology. If necessary, the diagnosed performance weaknesses are treated and existing strengths are promoted. The aim is to reintegrate patients into their everyday environment or to help them return to work.

Modern diagnostics
Diagnostics play an important role in our overall medical and therapeutic concept. Our specialists have a wide range of highly developed diagnostic technology at their disposal. The treating neurologists have the necessary certificates of competence from the Swiss Society for Clinical Neurophysiology (SGKN) to carry out additional diagnostics.
We have the following diagnostic facilities, among others:
X-ray and sonography of the musculoskeletal system in rheumatology and orthopaedics
Extra- and transcranial color duplex sonography: Ultrasound diagnostics of the neck and brain vessels to clarify the cause of strokes or cerebral hemorrhages
Electroencephalography: painless examination of brain waves, e.g. if epilepsy is suspected, by specially trained EEG technicians and evaluation of the derived curves by the two neurologists in charge
Electroneuromyography: examination of nerve conduction velocities and muscle potentials to diagnose disorders of the peripheral nervous system, muscle or spinal cord diseases
Three to seven individual therapies are carried out daily, adapted to the individual patient’s needs. In line with the philosophy of the Im Park Private Clinic, great importance is attached to quality, tangible and tangible expertise and professionalism.
- Neuropsychology (diagnostics and therapy)
- Clinical psychology and psychotherapy
Occupational therapy
Speech therapy
Speech therapy work includes the assessment and treatment of speech, language, voice and swallowing disorders as well as facial paralysis. Advice is also offered to relatives. The following disorders are treated as inpatients and outpatients at the Im Park Private Clinic:
- Speech disorders (aphasia, central communication disorders)
- Speech disorders (dysarthria, apraxia of speech)
- Voice disorders (organic or functional dysphonia)
- Swallowing disorders (dysphagia)
- Facial paralysis (central or peripheral facial nerve palsy)
The aim of speech therapy is to achieve the best possible ability to communicate and swallow. The therapy is geared towards the individual needs of those affected. The speech therapy team can be contacted by e-mail: info.logo@bs-ag.ch
We offer a wide range of modern physiotherapeutic and physical measures and treatment techniques as well as concepts of experiential medicine. An excerpt:
- Active functional rehabilitation training
- Instruction self-training
- Trigger point/myofascial therapies
- Ergonomics, posture training, back advice
- Kinesio taping
- General physiotherapy and advice
- Sports physiotherapy
- Manual therapy
- Exercise therapy in the water
- PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation)
- Bobath therapy
- Medical training therapy (MTT)
Physical therapy
- Classic massage
- Lymphatic drainage
- Trigger point massage
- Foot reflexology
- Connective tissue massage
- Ultrasound treatments
- Electrotherapy
- Complex physical decongestive therapy
Nutritional advice
- Diets
- Special forms of nutrition
- Brine wrap
- Hay flower compress
- Sulphur mud compresses
- Kerosene pack